30. August 2017

Pink Hair


I was always that girl that wanted to do all the possible experiments with her hair. I started with little highlights, ombre and ended with pink hair.

The one person I trust with taking care of my hair is Monika Kalicka, who is a talented and great hairstylist. So we created this extravagant piece and a video about it in collaboration with KDRKO, Adam Rohal and Kevin Murphy.

Vždy som bola to dievča, ktoré chcelo experimentovať s vlasmi. Začala som slabými melírmi a ombré a postupne som sa dostala až ku ružovým vlasom.

Svoje vlasy som zverila do rúk skvelej a talentovanej Monike Kalickej, ktorá je vo svojom remesle absolútna špička. V spolupráci s KDRKO, Adamom Rohalom a Kevin Murphy sme nakoniec vytvorili tento extravagantný look a krátke video o celom procese.

hair by @monikakalickahair
video by @adamrohal


products by @kevin.murphycz

music in video by @conspiracy_flat

photos by @pm.rasberry